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How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

Carpet Cleaning Oakford


High-traffic areas in your home should be cleaned more frequently than other parts. Over time, dirt and dust can settle in, leaving your rugs looking unclean. A few things to consider when determining the need to clean your carpet include the appearance of the carpet, its smell, and any stains. Children and pets can track in dirt and pollen from outside, and even the most well-behaved pet can have an accident.

Pet Dander

There’s no denying that your home is covered in dander, which is a collection of tiny particles that come from your pet’s fur and skin. Pet dander can settle deep within your carpet and can cause severe allergies in some people. You can’t avoid removing this dander, but you can take steps to reduce its presence. Cleaning your carpet regularly will remove a great deal of this allergen and leave your home fresh and clean.

Heavy Soiling

If you have heavy-soiling carpets, you need to deep-clean them on a regular basis. This will help preserve their usability, but you should not skip cleaning them. You should avoid DIY cleaning techniques because they can cause damage to the fabric of your carpet. Also, stains that have set are harder to remove than regular dirt. So, it is a good idea to hire a professional cleaner such as us here at Carpet Cleaning Perth, to get the job done properly.

Light-Coloured Carpets

Light-coloured carpets may be more visible to dirt, which is why it is crucial to clean them as frequently as possible. While a light-coloured carpet can brighten a room, it also exposes more dirt. Deep cleaning is therefore necessary more often than dark-coloured carpets. Fortunately, carpet cleaning can restore light-coloured carpets to pristine condition.

Tobacco Smoke

Smokers should have their carpets cleaned at least every three months. It is estimated that the tar from a cigarette can get into the fibres of the carpet, and they need to be shampooed more often than those who do not smoke. Having your carpet professionally cleaned every couple of months will make a significant difference in improving the air quality in your home.

Steam Cleaning

Whether you are selling your home or looking to rent a room, steam cleaning your carpets is a must! Even if you have only had your carpet professionally cleaned once in the past year, steam cleaning will leave your carpet looking cleaner and healthier than ever. It can also help you protect the value of your home by preserving its health and beauty.

In Conclusion, Professionally Clean Your Carpets At least Once a Year

Having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year is important to maintain its appearance and life span. Depending on how much traffic it receives, you should vacuum the carpet daily and shampoo it weekly. Spot cleaning is also necessary to prevent stains. While removing dirt is easy, stubborn stains are much harder to remove. If a stain remains, it can become an eyesore. To get the best results, clean your carpet as soon as possible. Contact us today to have your carpet cleaned in no time!

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